Selling A House Through Probate – What To Do After Bereavement

What Is Probate House Selling And When Is It Possible? 

When someone dies without a will, the sale of their property can then be sold in probate. Probate is a legal process where the court gives someone the legal right to manage the estate of the deceased.

Probate is usually required before a house can be sold if the deceased was the sole owner of the property. A sale cannot be completed without a Grant of Probate being issued by the Probate Registry and being provided to a solicitor. However, you are still able to put the property on the market and accept offers before probate is granted.

Depending on how complicated the estate is, this can impact the time frame of which you should expect to receive a grant of probate, which can be anything between 3-6 months. It’s vital to begin the process of obtaining probate in the early stages of planning to sell the property to minimise the overall timescale.

How Long Does It Take?

Once the seller has received their Grant of Probate, the process of selling a house through probate can take months, or even years for complex probate house sales if you’re selling on the open market. However, by instructing a trusted fast property buying company such as WEBUYANYHOUSEONLINE.CO.UK, we could buy your home in as little as 7 days.

As we use our own funds, we are readily available to buy properties much faster than if you were to sell on the open market, allowing you and your family to focus on grieving while we deal with the sales process, as well as support with covering all legal fees. 

Selling a house is stressful enough, so adding the death of a loved one makes it an even more difficult process. We are committed to adapting to your situation and can be flexible with timeframes. All our sales are secure and private so you can rest assured knowing that you are in control of your sale.

Selling In Probate

Losing a loved one is hard, whether it’s a partner, friend or relative – and that’s before the complex bureaucratic and financial issues. Following a bereavement and amidst organising a funeral and sorting the will, a quick bereavement house sale might make this difficult time more bearable.

Selling a house after the death of a parent, or inheriting a property from a loved one requires an experienced and professional team who understand the sensitivities of the probate sale process.

For further information on this subject, as well as a quicker and more efficient way of selling your house, contact our team at WEBUYANYHOUSEONLINE.CO.UK.

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